Thursday, April 25, 2013

Unit T Big Question Blog Post #4

4) Why do sine and cosine not have asymptotes, but the other four trig graphs do? Use unit circle ratios to explain.

Sine and cosine do not have asymptotes because they are a wave when they are shown fully and they run forever on the x-axis. Also, cosine, in unit circle terms, is x/r and since r is always 1, cosine can never be undefined since r can never be zero, which is what makes a function undefined: when the denominator is zero. The same goes for sine. In unit circle terms, sine is y/r and since r is always 1, sine can never be undefined since r can never be zero, which is what is needed if you want to result in an asymptote: the denominator would have to be zero.

Secant, cosecant, tangent, and cotangent all have asymptotes of how x and y are zero in this case. Secant is 1/cos which is r/x. X can be any number and when it is zero, secant automatically becomes undefined and and asymptote is produced. The same goes for cosecant, which is r/y, except that when y is 0, cosecant becomes undefined and has an asymptote.
Tangent is sin/cos so when cosine is 0, it becomes undefined and produces an asymptote. Same goes for cotangent except that since cotangent is cos/sin, when sine is 0, cotangent becomes undefined and results in an asymptote. Overall, the theme is common: depending on the ratios from the functions, certain functions can never have asymptotes and others can.

File:Trigonometric functions.svg

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