Friday, March 29, 2013

Student Problem #10: Unit R Concept 3

1) What is this about?
This is about evaluating trig functions that have inverse trig functions using the sum and difference formulas. The unit circle is also used here.

2) what should the reader pay attention to?
The reader should pat attention to how we replace what's in the parentheses with u and v and how we use that to get to the difference formula. Also, how we use unit circle values to find our answer.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Student Problem #9: Unit R Concept 2

Using sum and difference formulas when given values (right triangle)

1) What is this about?
This picture shows two examples from Unit R Concept 2. Here, we use right triangles draw in different quadrants to solve for sine, cosine, and tangent. Depending on which quadrant the triangles are drawn in, the values of these functions will be positive and/or negative.

2) What does the reader need to pay attention to?
The reader needs to pay attention to making sure that the triangles are drawn in the correct quadrants. Also, when finding the missing piece of the triangle, be careful of the signs (left and down is negative, right and up is positive). Lastly, make sure to use the correct sum and difference formulas.

Student Problem #8 Unit R Concept 1

Sum Formulas and Difference Formulas

1) What is this about?
These pictures are about finding the exact values of angles that aren't on the unit circle. We use trigonometric functions which have their own formulas depending on whether two angles are being added or subtracted to add or subtract to the given angle.

2) What does the reader need to pay attention to?
The reader should pay attention to where the coordinates come from as well as how we can derive sine, cosine, and tangent from one coordinate. Also, when finding tangent, we often have to multiply by the conjugate in the process.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Math Analysis Reflective Blog Post

How have you performed on the Unit O and P tests?  What evidence do you have
from your work in the unit that supports your test grade (good or bad)?  Be
specific and include a minimum of three pieces of evidence.


To my surprise, I have done ok on the latest test, unit P. I had the mindset that if I wasn't being checked off every so often, that I would not do the work sometimes and that would affect me by bringing my grade down. I did better on the retake for unit O and I also got an A on the unit P. Some evidence could be, in my opinion, the fact that I still have my group to help me as well as all the resources I have been given.  

You are able to learn material in a variety of ways in Math Analysis.  It
generally follows this pattern:

Your initial source of information is generally the video lessons and SSS
packets followed by a processing and reflection activity via the WSQ

individual supplemental research online or in the textbook before class

reviewing and accessing supplementary resources provided by Mrs. Kirch on the

discussion with classmates about key concepts

practice of math concepts through PQs

formatively assessing your progress through concept quizzes

cumulatively reviewing material through PTs

Final Assessment via Unit Test.

through each of the steps given in the following terms:

How seriously do you take this step for your learning?  What evidence do you
have to support your claim?  Make sure to make reference to all 8

How could you improve your focus and attention on this step to improve your
mastery of the material?  What specific next steps would this entail?  Make sure
to make reference to all 8 steps.


I take learning very seriously because I have seen that how well I learn reflects how much I can comprehend. I do my best to do all the work so I could understand everything from the moment I pick up the test. During class, I try my best to get the pq's done as well as have time for other assignments. Once I get home, I do my best to convince myself to start the homework right away but sometimes, it doesn't work out. The practice test is alot, especially since it's all the concepts in just a few days. But what I like now is how it's blended in with the practice quizzes. Often, I have difficulty, so when I turn to my group, I'm grateful they can help or else I'd be lost.

Reflect on your learning this year thus far by considering the following

How confident do you generally feel on the day of a Unit Test?  Give evidence
and specifics to back up your answer.

How well do you feel you have learned the math material this year as compared
to your previous years in math? Give evidence to support your

How DEEPLY do you feel you have learned the math material this year as compared
to your previous years in math?  Give evidence to support your

Do you normally feel like you understand the WHY behind the math and not just
the WHAT/HOW?  Meaning, do you understand why things work, how they are
connected to each other, etc, and not just the procedures?  Explain your answer
in detail and cite specific evidence from this year.

How does your work ethic relate to your performance and success?  What is the
value of work ethic in real life?

HERE: Depending on how much I have practiced, I can go from being really confident to extremely nervous on the day of the test. I was nervous on the unit P test because I didn't go over how to graph  piecewise functions but I was grateful I remembered. There is a big gap between how well I have learned math between this year and all other years. Every step is clear to me because I can see where it comes from and why it follows the formula. I have learned the math material so deep this year that I can actually look forward to doing the homework because it means I want to learn whereas in other scenarios, I had to learn. Before, it was hard to see how everything was connected but because of all the reasoning, prcactice, and resources, it's much easier now to see why everything is connected. My work ethic relates to my performance and success in one way: If I am committed to doing my work on time, then I'm moving forward. The value of work ethic in real life is very powerful in the way that it determines where you go. High school is a perfect example: In four years, we learn where we go based on how we have done.