Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Unit N- Derive the Unit Circle

These pictures show how the the special right triangles correlate with the Unit Circle and how it is derived. The vertices of each of these triangles are on the Unit Circle and in each, it is possible to faintly see how they are depicted on a coordinate plane. The Unit Circle, which has a radius of 1, can help us to find all of its vertices just by knowing the rules of the relationship between side lengths and how different angle measures/arc lengths affect the side lengths. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Conic Sections- Parabola

1) A parabola is ant point on a parabola that is at an equal distance from the focus and the vertex, and the vertex and the directrix. Also, at any point on the parabola, you can move it around the focus in a way that it creates a parabola shape.

2) The focus affects the shape of the parabola in the way that wherever the focus is, that is where the parabola will form around. Also, p, which is the distance from the vertex and the focus and the focus and the directrix, if it is positive or negative, the graph will go either up, down, left, or right, depending on what term is squared.

3) These properties affect real life with dishes that are like satellites at a certain museum.One speaks in what is the focus and the sound waves hit the dish at the right angle to travel to the other dish and hits the focus for someone else to hear.


Conic Sections Image: http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/Algorithms/MyAlgorithms/Gifs/parabola-2.gif

Website: http://www.mathwarehouse.com/quadratic/parabola/focus-and-directrix-of-parabola.php